Monday, November 15, 2010

Stuffed Chicken Recipe

Stuffed Chicken

Chicken (washed, rubbed with salt and set aside)

For Stuffing
2 slice of Bread   
Liver, gizzard of chicken
1 carrot       
1 potato
1/4 cup peas       
2 tbsps. Raisins
a few almonds (cashew nuts)   
2 large onions
Minced bacon
a small piece ginger chopped finely
2 tbsps chopped mint       
1 large tomato chopped
1 sour lime

Cut Bread in small cubes and brown in fat. In the same fat fry onion till light brown, then add green Masala and ½ tsp. sugar, tomato, mint, the liver, gizzard and heart cooked and minced. Now add the bread cubes and shopped bacon and the cooked chopped vegetables and dry fruit. Add pepper ½ tsp. cinnamon spice, a dash of lemon juice. Stir well. Add a tsp. of broth and cool. Then stuff bird (not too much) and sew up. Brown well. Then add about 1 cup of hot water and cook till tender or bake in oven for approx 1 ½ hour. Serve together with rest of stuffing. 

Make it enjoy it & don't forget to let me know how it was ...............
